Wednesday, September 9, 2015

My Raw Vegan Journey Day 18, Juicing without a Juicer!

It's Day 18 (at least it was when I videotaped this segment). I'm feeling fantastic and bright since I switched my diet to Raw Vegan. When I first set out on this journey I was skeptical and very apprehensive about what was ahead, but I am in a challenge so there is no turning back.

Sometimes you need a little push from an external place to get you going. I'm glad I put my hat in the ring to do Markus' Weight Loss Contest ( ). Now it's not that he knows me at all or that I have any direct interaction with him. In fact, I'm on my own in this and I'm the only Raw Vegan in the house hold so..... You need to find the motivational support from outside of yourself because changing 50 years of a life style is no small feat. But it is possible.

I must say though, once I started to feel more alive and more positive and way more energy, it really isn't hard to find the motivation!

When I first began, I had no idea how to make a juice. Seriously! I thought they were full or fruit and maybe some veggies. The only juices I had seen were orange, pink, red, purple, anything but green. Boy was I wrong! I also thought juices went WITH a meal not REPLACE a meal. Where's the satisfaction? Wouldn't you go hungry? The whole thing seemed very unappealing to me and definitely not something I wanted to do. Juice, Me? Never!

Well, never say never. I now Juice almost everyday and I LOVE it! May favorite juices are green green green! The best one, IMHO, is Celery with Cucumber any deep green leaf (love love love Dandelion and Carrot tops) with a hint of Ginger. My favorite breakfast! Plus I put gobs of water in so I get a double bonus

Now, with my new trick to juicing, it takes me under 2 minutes to make a juice and go. Talk about Fast Food!! I hope you find this tip helpful for you! Tell me what is your favorite juice blend?