Sunday, October 4, 2015

My Raw Vegan Journey Day 49: What to do about set backs

At some point I'm sure I'll stop counting the days. Not sure when that will be, but here we are at day 49.

I started this adventure as a challenge and all contest challenges have a start and an end date. However, I was not long into the journey when I realized this journey was probably not going to end at the scheduled time. I felt that many of the lifestyle changes were actually  going to be for a lifetime So what was a short term contest, changed into something more profound. I was on an adventure and like any adventure  this one has had its fair share of ups and downs (mostly up) and twists and turns. With many revelations along the way.

The last couple of weeks have had some of those typical curve balls that happen in everyone's life. Parties, celebrations, and visiting family. The usual stuff. But so much of family time and celebrations centers around food.

So what if you are the only Raw Vegan? That depends on the Raw Vegan, their motivation to BE a Raw Vegan, and the company they keep. For me, I am the ONLY Raw Vegan I know and most definitely the only one in my family. My motivation was to create more harmony and balance in me. So in order to make things easier on everyone, I compromised a bit, but only a tiny bit and only for a tiny amount of time. But still, it was a series of compromises and each one had a direct impact on me. Some not so pleasant and others insightful.

In some respect, I am glad it happened so early on my journey. Eating has not become automatic and I still need to plan and think about every meal of my day. It's almost as if I am hyper-vigilant about what I eat. On the flip side of that, I have become acutely aware of food and its impact on me, both physically and psychologically. You try fasting and see what happens with your awareness. You're in for a real discovery!