Monday, November 23, 2015

Can I really give soap without offending?

Is soap a good gift to give or does it send the wrong message? I would say YES, it is the perfect gift to give. I'm sure that my answer didn't surprise you. And NO, it does not send the wrong message. In fact I think it sends the right message. Let me tell you why.
When your trying to find the right gifts for grown ups, the most important aspect of the gift is the appreciation of the person you are gifting. It's a way to say thank you or to celebrate the person in some way. It really is a simple way to say "I appreciate you" no matter what the occasion. For the average adult, gifts that are consumable are perfect. No one wants to get stuck with "things". Things very easily become a burden that the receiver has to then take care of. So when you are building that gift list, you should be considering consumables.
Food items are a good selection, but so many people have special diet considerations that it is easy to go down the wrong path for food. Would you give candy to someone trying to watch their weight? Beverage gifts can work, but you should know what the person feels about it before you bother. Your gift could be a complete waste. So in the world of consumables, that leaves us with soaps. Oddly enough they have gained in popularity over the last few years. Think about it, it's the perfect gift for anybody. We all like to keep clean and I've never met a person who doesn't like good smells so.....the natural skin care and aromatics from Tres Spa are the perfect gift for any one and for any occasion.
If the person you are shopping for is a soap addict, then it's really a "no-brainer" You can't go wrong with any soap choice. The more the better so go for a variety pack of soap like our Organic Soap Sack or our Three Bars and a dish.
A nice all around gift is our Variety Pack (this is my personal favorite as well). It has the Organic soap, but it has the added bonus of the Organic hand & body lotion and one of our signature aromatic mists that can be used to scent the air, the skin, and linen. With so much diversity on one package you can see why I like it so much.
There are a couple of specialty gifts that tend to do well and the first one is the Petite Spa Facial kit. This fun little kit tends to be more popular as a great gift to give a woman and it has everything you need for a complete spa facial at home.
The next gift set is the Men's Shaving set. which has the Organic Shaving soap and the Botanical toner. The shaving soap allows for a super close shave that is smooth. The toner is fresh and slightly moisturizing.

There are several more gift sets on the Tres Spa website, but the ones I mentioned here seem to be the most popular. Of course you can always select alla cart and make it your own. Happy gift giving everybody!

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Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Why did I start a Raw Vegan Journey? The truth revealed.

OK I get it, it's pretty extreme if you are a Mid-West corn and cow feed person. If you grew up being taught and conditioned that meat and grains make up the majority of your meal. Actually we didn't have much money when I was growing up so it was mostly grain. Also known as really cheap filler. right or wrong, it was the way I was taught to eat and except for a very brief stint of my Vegetarian experiment, it was how I ate all my life. Until chance lent a hand.

I don't know about you, but I am one of those people who likes to immerse myself in whatever I am involved in. If I read a book, I like to read the whole thing cover to cover and I like to read every word (probably why it takes me forever to finish one). When I watch a movie, I am all in so don't bother trying to talk to me during (something my sister loves to do to me). I am also like that with my human interactions when I am in a conversation with you (regardless of the medium) I prefer to be fully focused on you and our exchange.I am also like that when I develop products for Tres Spa. It becomes my world and every tiny aspect gets my full attention from the raw ingredient to the package and the label design.

So as chance would have it, I was invited to attend a very special ceremony, a Buffalo Dance that was to take place over three full days. To properly prepare and observe proper etiquette, I was sent a list of preparation recommendations, I decided I really wanted to immerse myself so that I could fully experience and participate, after all, this may be the only time I ever go to a Buffalo Dance. One phrase I had heard during the one visit I had had with Rainbow Eagle was "walk softly". Those two words struck me and have stayed with me over the years. The Buffalo Dance was a time to walk softly and I took it to heart so I wanted to fast in preparation. I know that our over dependence on meat is causing an unnecessary burden on the eco system so I figured I would give it up for a month.

I thought Vegetarian would be good, but then I started exploring and learning more about Vegans and the Raw Vegans. When it comes to walking softly on the planet, I think they win the prize. In fact, when it comes to Tres Spa skin care and aromatics, I designed for this crowd which means my company was way ahead of my personal life.

So for the month of June I dabbled and played and experimented between Vegetarian, Vegan, and even a bit of Raw Vegan and I felt absolutely fantastic. The ceremony came and went and I settled back into my old eating habits. The family was happy since they would get their favorite foods prepared for them again and life could go back to where they felt comfortable. But it didn't take long to happen, where I did not feel comfortable. One day I realized how tired I was looking and how puffy I felt and how stiff I was. My joints were aching and that was not okay with me.

All in all, I was not feeling too harmonious and something had to change. But change was upsetting to the home life so I had to be creative on how I would approach making some drastic changes for an indefinite period of time. I knew that it had to be so extreme that I could immerse myself fully. For better or worse this is what I need to do to have any part of the change take a hold and last a lifetime. So someone threw down a challenge and there was my opportunity to seize a hold of a competition so I could sneak back into harmony without upsetting those around me.

The first month or so was quite intense but now that I have relaxed a bit to adopt a more practical approach, I am finding more balance and harmony for myself and for my family. That is what it truly is about anyways. Finding harmony for your everyday. While I find I learn great lessons when I put myself in extreme situations, I can't exist in this mode for very long. Eventually something will give. So rather than beat myself up over it, I get back up and dust myself on and get better at finding the proper balance for me.

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Sunday, November 15, 2015

"Be the change you wish to see in the world"

I was talking with a friend on line late last night. She had said her heart was heavy and when I asked why, she had said it was due to a recent tragedy that had happened almost 6 thousand miles away from her home. She had felt a sense of hopelessness in humanity and the loss of so many souls due to the violence of a few. She has always been a person of great empathy and her feelings are deeply  and genuinely  moved by the plight of others. It is one of the reasons that she is one of those people you just want to be around, all the time. She is the life of the party and funny as all get out. Ready with a smile and a a quick witted comment and if you were in parody then the banter could go for days back and forth. When we worked together, needless to say, we got in loads of trouble but I never minded. She is one of those people you wanted to be like. Fun, delightful, shining.

So when she said her heart was heavy, well you didn't have to tell me twice to pay attention. Soon her sorrow turned to anger then there it was, buried deeper still a note of a deeper sorrow as if to beg the question, "will we ever learn?"

That, my friends, is the question of the ages. Will we? I do not know and I did not know how to tell her that I did not hold out much hope for that. Violence has been woven in and out of the history of the world since time began and I don't know that it will ever go away. But this morning I woke thinking of Gahndi. One of the most incredible souls of human history. And I smiled to myself as I asked myself the question "What would Gahndi do?"

Of course "Be the change you wish to see in the world"

Just let that sit with you for a moment. If we want to see the change than first be the change. Not try too change others, not rage against the violent offenders, just be the change. And don't ask if we will ever learn as a society or the greater global humanity. It is enough for you to effect the change in yourself.  That has the power to ripple to those around you and then out to others and so on.

Will violence ever end? Don't know. But the actions to end violence of any kind is a very worth while endeavor and one we should all take part in doing. I do believe in our power to be the change we wish to see and with more people practicing there is hope that we can indeed tip the scales.

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Thursday, November 5, 2015

Tres Spa November 2015 Special

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"This little light of mine....."

I was raised Southern Baptist for part of my life and if you were too, then you know the song and you also know the moral of the story. So if you already know it, then you only need to read on if you like a good parable. Me, I always love a good story. :)

I was chatting with a customer of mine the other night. He is a huge fan of the Organic Soaps and the Organic shampoo and he wanted to purchase a Shampoo for his mother. He had stopped by my booth twice in the past. Once with his mother and this time on his own. But that's not the point of the story.I only tell you this to illustrate the brevity of our history (but not the depth). 

When I last spoke with him, we had a great conversation about life and change and doing at least one small positive thing for your health. Since I had just adopted the Raw Vegan lifestyle, I was very excited and had lots to say on the matter.  He listened intently and had wonderful genuine questions.  He was getting ready to return to semesters at school and I was getting ready to travel for a bit. We talked briefly about the changes coming and I made some comment about my Gypsy travels with the band of artisans doing art & craft shows. All in all a lovely chit chat with another one of the many amazing Très Spa customers.

Now, to the casual observer or the passer-by, there really was nothing extraordinary going on. No life changing or heavy impacting exchange taking place. Just a man buying his Organic Shampoo and a pleasant light conversation with a rather chatty proprietor. But was that all?

Fast forward a month or so.... Same young man comes by to see me again. Ok the cover story is he wants to get a shampoo for his mother, and he really does,. But that's not the "whole story". He had been looking for me every week to see if I would be there at the market in my spot. Now I love Tres Spa products and I am thrilled that so many have discovered and value them as well but the truth is, you can find them on line and you can even get them on Amazon. So there had to be more to the story.  You don't come looking for someone week after week after week just to get shampoo (even Tres Spa Organic Shampoo). And the real story  is what was playing in my very soul this morning and the song came along with it and as I type this story for you, the real story is coming to light.

You see, when this marvelous young man and I first talked weeks and weeks ago, seems I had said something that had a profound impact on him. Now, I don't know the details of his life and really that would be his story to tell. But what I can tell you is that he is facing some challenges. I don't know the magnitude, but does that really matter? No. Challenges are not the most fun things and we all experience them. The thing is, we need to go threw them and not avoid them or we have to repeat them over and over again (but all of that is for another post).

What he said to me next still reverberates and I paraphrase for you....."I've been thinking about what you said to me the last time we talked.....about the word Gypsy...." What he sees, feels, and "knows" of this word is my definition and my definition is wondrous and wonderful with passion and love. Why? Because that is what I feel when I hear or think of that word and I have been like that since I was a child. My definition shined through every fiber of my being while I was just being me. So when I was telling him my little tails of my Gypsy adventures, he was hearing all that it means to me. The same thing happens when I try to explain my synergy blend Mystic. 

So this word Gypsy, like many words, has an impact that transcends 5 letters organized in a particular way.  This word became a beacon of light for him over the last few weeks. What he had heard gave him hope in the darkness. He knew there was light in the dark and he would make it threw  He understood the importance of the transition and the strength he would have on the other side of this challenge. He knew this not because of the words that came out of my mouth, but because of what he heard me say. He listened with his whole being.

Did he do this consciously? Probably not. Did I intend the message? Probably not.   I was just being me, my goofy self, letting my light shine and trying to be a force for positive.

I was honored that he came back and checked in with me to tell me a tail of his adventures. Here is the real kicker, he had a similar impact on me. What I heard him say was thanks for being you and that my friends is deeply profound for this shy and oft times insecure person. So go out there and let your little light shine because even in the smallest most unassuming  conversations you can be a beacon of hope in someone's darkness.  So many of you have been, and continue to be, my beacon of hope!

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