Thursday, December 31, 2015

The Pirates light at sunset

In my youth, I spent an entire summer photographing sunsets on lake Huron. It was a time I will always treasure. Every day I would rush out with my camera in hand and watch the setting sun. I would watch through the lens as the sun escaped beyond the horizon.  It still captures me to this day. It's kind of fun, and adds a bit of romance to it,  to call it the Pirates light but I still have not seen the green flash. I keep looking.

Recently, I was on a trip to Biloxi for a "Girls Getaway". One night we had dinner at a restaurant right on the beach with a magnificent view of the gulf and the coastline. While it had been a bit stormy, the skies had cleared just enough to catch the setting sun. Every person in the restaurant (including the staff) stopped and watched as the sun set beyond the horizon. We all shared the moment in silence together. We didn't see the Pirates flash but we all shared a moment of gratitude and appreciation to the ending of a beautiful day.

It all made me think of the last day of December and the cusp of the New Year ahead, that magic stroke of midnight where the baton of the future is handed off. So let's all drink a toast to the passing year and  greet the new with all of the hope and excitement we can muster. Celebrate the gifts that the past year brought us and appreciate how they will help us on our journey in the next year.

And every time to see the sun setting, take note, and remember to celebrate the gifts of the day and greet the new with refreshed joy and excitement of the pure potential it holds.

Happy New Year everyone!

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Sunday, December 13, 2015

Got dry itchy skin? I can help you with that. Tres Spa talks about Orga...

What to do with your dry itchy skin?
It's the time of year again when I get loads of questions and comments about dry itchy skin. Some seasons just seem to bring it out in us more than others and Winter is just that time of year. There is good reason. The air tends to be dryer in the cooler weather for starters but we tend to help it along with our getting in and out of heated cars, offices, and homes. All those furnaces tend to zap what little moisture may have been lingering in the air.
Some of us who suffer from dry or itchy skin all year (like psoriasis or eczema)know all too well the discomfort you feel when your skin is itchy. All you can think of is how to get relief and of course itching the skin never results in a favorable outcome. Even the temporary relief you may feel is fleeting and only serves to further irritate.
The best ways to combat dryness is by keeping hydrated. Of course you all know hydration starts on the inside so drink plenty of water. But today I want to focus on one ingredient in skin care that can help create relief. One ingredient that can help is Oatmeal.
Why Oatmeal, well you may know it as a super food for your body and eating oatmeal has shown to lower your cholesterol as well as other benefits.  Turns out that some of the chemicals that make up the oat also benefit your skin care. It makes an excellent exfoliate and it can even sooth irritated skin. I don't think you need me to go into the chemistry of it, the part that matters is that it works!
Here are some ways to add oatmeal into your skin care regime:
  •      Use a bar of organic handcrafted soap that has oatmeal as an exfoliate. Ditch that bottle and your skin will love you for it. Très Spa has a few that do contain oatmeal: Invigorate, Renew, Sanctuary, and Naked
  •          Add finely ground oatmeal (colloidal) to your warm bath. 1/4 of a cup should work and if you want to add a bit of salt and aroma therapy to your bath, try one of the Très Spa bath fizzles.
  •          Try adding some ground up oatmeal to your face mask routine (especially beneficial for acne outbreaks). Add a bit to your TrèsSpa mineral face mask.
  •          Have a spot that is particularly problematic, try making a poultice with oatmeal, local organic Honey and using Coconut milk as a wetting agent. Apply the mixture to the spot
  •          Body scrub with colloidal oatmeal and .... oh wait, I made that one for you already at Très Spa and it's called Old FashionedCountry scrub.

Any way you use it, adding oats to your skin care (especially in the winter) can help you achieve soft supple skin and keep the dry itchy skin under control. 

 Tres Spa products are Vegan Friendly, Cruelty free, and eco-responsibly packaged. Shop our website or Amazon 

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Wednesday, December 9, 2015

A fun and quick way to gift yourself this year.

December is the end of the year, obviously, but do you think of it in terms of finishing a full cycle and on the verge of beginning a new one? Perhaps that is why so many celebrations celebrating abundance come at this time of year. I know I like to celebrate the completion of objectives in my life. In fact, the more celebrations the better if you ask me! It means I am getting things done and moving forward.

With all of the Holiday frenzy going on, I think we miss this subtle little achievement.  Wrapping up one year and getting ready to open the New Year. You should celebrate this and not lose sight of all you have accomplished and all you hope for the future.

Here is a fun and simple idea for you, a gift to give yourself.

Take a moment to be still and quiet. a time and a space for you to reflect for just a few moments. Nothing extreme, you don't have to carve out a full hour of meditation (great if you can) this is something we busy folks can do (no matter how busy).

This whole exercise should take you no more than 10 minutes.

  1.  Once you found your time and space, think of 3 things you were able to finish this year.
  2. Jot them down on a piece of paper.
  3. Think of 3 things you would like to do next year (notice I did not say finish or start - just do)
  4. Jot them on a separate piece of paper.

The first list is to recognize, celebrate, and let go of the year and what you have accomplished. The second list is what your hopes and wishes are for the year forward.

So now what do you do? 

Roger and I are celebrating the Holidays at home this year so it's just us and our little cat, Dakota. But, we did decorate and put up the traditional tree (of course we did it for Dakota because he loves the tree). So I took my list from this year and rolled it up with a little bow and put it on the tree and I took my list for the year ahead and put in one of my decoration boxes under the tree. As you can see, Dakota is keeping an eye on it! 

On New Years Eve (my favorite Holiday of all!) we try to have a real fire in a fire pit so I will probably burn both lists.After all, there is no need to hang on to the past and I've already set the intention for the New Year so I wont need to read the list again.  

It may seem silly, but I think it is important to celebrate you're achievements and plant the wishes for your future.

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