Thursday, December 31, 2015

The Pirates light at sunset

In my youth, I spent an entire summer photographing sunsets on lake Huron. It was a time I will always treasure. Every day I would rush out with my camera in hand and watch the setting sun. I would watch through the lens as the sun escaped beyond the horizon.  It still captures me to this day. It's kind of fun, and adds a bit of romance to it,  to call it the Pirates light but I still have not seen the green flash. I keep looking.

Recently, I was on a trip to Biloxi for a "Girls Getaway". One night we had dinner at a restaurant right on the beach with a magnificent view of the gulf and the coastline. While it had been a bit stormy, the skies had cleared just enough to catch the setting sun. Every person in the restaurant (including the staff) stopped and watched as the sun set beyond the horizon. We all shared the moment in silence together. We didn't see the Pirates flash but we all shared a moment of gratitude and appreciation to the ending of a beautiful day.

It all made me think of the last day of December and the cusp of the New Year ahead, that magic stroke of midnight where the baton of the future is handed off. So let's all drink a toast to the passing year and  greet the new with all of the hope and excitement we can muster. Celebrate the gifts that the past year brought us and appreciate how they will help us on our journey in the next year.

And every time to see the sun setting, take note, and remember to celebrate the gifts of the day and greet the new with refreshed joy and excitement of the pure potential it holds.

Happy New Year everyone!

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Sunday, December 13, 2015

Got dry itchy skin? I can help you with that. Tres Spa talks about Orga...

What to do with your dry itchy skin?
It's the time of year again when I get loads of questions and comments about dry itchy skin. Some seasons just seem to bring it out in us more than others and Winter is just that time of year. There is good reason. The air tends to be dryer in the cooler weather for starters but we tend to help it along with our getting in and out of heated cars, offices, and homes. All those furnaces tend to zap what little moisture may have been lingering in the air.
Some of us who suffer from dry or itchy skin all year (like psoriasis or eczema)know all too well the discomfort you feel when your skin is itchy. All you can think of is how to get relief and of course itching the skin never results in a favorable outcome. Even the temporary relief you may feel is fleeting and only serves to further irritate.
The best ways to combat dryness is by keeping hydrated. Of course you all know hydration starts on the inside so drink plenty of water. But today I want to focus on one ingredient in skin care that can help create relief. One ingredient that can help is Oatmeal.
Why Oatmeal, well you may know it as a super food for your body and eating oatmeal has shown to lower your cholesterol as well as other benefits.  Turns out that some of the chemicals that make up the oat also benefit your skin care. It makes an excellent exfoliate and it can even sooth irritated skin. I don't think you need me to go into the chemistry of it, the part that matters is that it works!
Here are some ways to add oatmeal into your skin care regime:
  •      Use a bar of organic handcrafted soap that has oatmeal as an exfoliate. Ditch that bottle and your skin will love you for it. Très Spa has a few that do contain oatmeal: Invigorate, Renew, Sanctuary, and Naked
  •          Add finely ground oatmeal (colloidal) to your warm bath. 1/4 of a cup should work and if you want to add a bit of salt and aroma therapy to your bath, try one of the Très Spa bath fizzles.
  •          Try adding some ground up oatmeal to your face mask routine (especially beneficial for acne outbreaks). Add a bit to your TrèsSpa mineral face mask.
  •          Have a spot that is particularly problematic, try making a poultice with oatmeal, local organic Honey and using Coconut milk as a wetting agent. Apply the mixture to the spot
  •          Body scrub with colloidal oatmeal and .... oh wait, I made that one for you already at Très Spa and it's called Old FashionedCountry scrub.

Any way you use it, adding oats to your skin care (especially in the winter) can help you achieve soft supple skin and keep the dry itchy skin under control. 

 Tres Spa products are Vegan Friendly, Cruelty free, and eco-responsibly packaged. Shop our website or Amazon 

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Wednesday, December 9, 2015

A fun and quick way to gift yourself this year.

December is the end of the year, obviously, but do you think of it in terms of finishing a full cycle and on the verge of beginning a new one? Perhaps that is why so many celebrations celebrating abundance come at this time of year. I know I like to celebrate the completion of objectives in my life. In fact, the more celebrations the better if you ask me! It means I am getting things done and moving forward.

With all of the Holiday frenzy going on, I think we miss this subtle little achievement.  Wrapping up one year and getting ready to open the New Year. You should celebrate this and not lose sight of all you have accomplished and all you hope for the future.

Here is a fun and simple idea for you, a gift to give yourself.

Take a moment to be still and quiet. a time and a space for you to reflect for just a few moments. Nothing extreme, you don't have to carve out a full hour of meditation (great if you can) this is something we busy folks can do (no matter how busy).

This whole exercise should take you no more than 10 minutes.

  1.  Once you found your time and space, think of 3 things you were able to finish this year.
  2. Jot them down on a piece of paper.
  3. Think of 3 things you would like to do next year (notice I did not say finish or start - just do)
  4. Jot them on a separate piece of paper.

The first list is to recognize, celebrate, and let go of the year and what you have accomplished. The second list is what your hopes and wishes are for the year forward.

So now what do you do? 

Roger and I are celebrating the Holidays at home this year so it's just us and our little cat, Dakota. But, we did decorate and put up the traditional tree (of course we did it for Dakota because he loves the tree). So I took my list from this year and rolled it up with a little bow and put it on the tree and I took my list for the year ahead and put in one of my decoration boxes under the tree. As you can see, Dakota is keeping an eye on it! 

On New Years Eve (my favorite Holiday of all!) we try to have a real fire in a fire pit so I will probably burn both lists.After all, there is no need to hang on to the past and I've already set the intention for the New Year so I wont need to read the list again.  

It may seem silly, but I think it is important to celebrate you're achievements and plant the wishes for your future.

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Monday, November 23, 2015

Can I really give soap without offending?

Is soap a good gift to give or does it send the wrong message? I would say YES, it is the perfect gift to give. I'm sure that my answer didn't surprise you. And NO, it does not send the wrong message. In fact I think it sends the right message. Let me tell you why.
When your trying to find the right gifts for grown ups, the most important aspect of the gift is the appreciation of the person you are gifting. It's a way to say thank you or to celebrate the person in some way. It really is a simple way to say "I appreciate you" no matter what the occasion. For the average adult, gifts that are consumable are perfect. No one wants to get stuck with "things". Things very easily become a burden that the receiver has to then take care of. So when you are building that gift list, you should be considering consumables.
Food items are a good selection, but so many people have special diet considerations that it is easy to go down the wrong path for food. Would you give candy to someone trying to watch their weight? Beverage gifts can work, but you should know what the person feels about it before you bother. Your gift could be a complete waste. So in the world of consumables, that leaves us with soaps. Oddly enough they have gained in popularity over the last few years. Think about it, it's the perfect gift for anybody. We all like to keep clean and I've never met a person who doesn't like good smells so.....the natural skin care and aromatics from Tres Spa are the perfect gift for any one and for any occasion.
If the person you are shopping for is a soap addict, then it's really a "no-brainer" You can't go wrong with any soap choice. The more the better so go for a variety pack of soap like our Organic Soap Sack or our Three Bars and a dish.
A nice all around gift is our Variety Pack (this is my personal favorite as well). It has the Organic soap, but it has the added bonus of the Organic hand & body lotion and one of our signature aromatic mists that can be used to scent the air, the skin, and linen. With so much diversity on one package you can see why I like it so much.
There are a couple of specialty gifts that tend to do well and the first one is the Petite Spa Facial kit. This fun little kit tends to be more popular as a great gift to give a woman and it has everything you need for a complete spa facial at home.
The next gift set is the Men's Shaving set. which has the Organic Shaving soap and the Botanical toner. The shaving soap allows for a super close shave that is smooth. The toner is fresh and slightly moisturizing.

There are several more gift sets on the Tres Spa website, but the ones I mentioned here seem to be the most popular. Of course you can always select alla cart and make it your own. Happy gift giving everybody!

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Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Why did I start a Raw Vegan Journey? The truth revealed.

OK I get it, it's pretty extreme if you are a Mid-West corn and cow feed person. If you grew up being taught and conditioned that meat and grains make up the majority of your meal. Actually we didn't have much money when I was growing up so it was mostly grain. Also known as really cheap filler. right or wrong, it was the way I was taught to eat and except for a very brief stint of my Vegetarian experiment, it was how I ate all my life. Until chance lent a hand.

I don't know about you, but I am one of those people who likes to immerse myself in whatever I am involved in. If I read a book, I like to read the whole thing cover to cover and I like to read every word (probably why it takes me forever to finish one). When I watch a movie, I am all in so don't bother trying to talk to me during (something my sister loves to do to me). I am also like that with my human interactions when I am in a conversation with you (regardless of the medium) I prefer to be fully focused on you and our exchange.I am also like that when I develop products for Tres Spa. It becomes my world and every tiny aspect gets my full attention from the raw ingredient to the package and the label design.

So as chance would have it, I was invited to attend a very special ceremony, a Buffalo Dance that was to take place over three full days. To properly prepare and observe proper etiquette, I was sent a list of preparation recommendations, I decided I really wanted to immerse myself so that I could fully experience and participate, after all, this may be the only time I ever go to a Buffalo Dance. One phrase I had heard during the one visit I had had with Rainbow Eagle was "walk softly". Those two words struck me and have stayed with me over the years. The Buffalo Dance was a time to walk softly and I took it to heart so I wanted to fast in preparation. I know that our over dependence on meat is causing an unnecessary burden on the eco system so I figured I would give it up for a month.

I thought Vegetarian would be good, but then I started exploring and learning more about Vegans and the Raw Vegans. When it comes to walking softly on the planet, I think they win the prize. In fact, when it comes to Tres Spa skin care and aromatics, I designed for this crowd which means my company was way ahead of my personal life.

So for the month of June I dabbled and played and experimented between Vegetarian, Vegan, and even a bit of Raw Vegan and I felt absolutely fantastic. The ceremony came and went and I settled back into my old eating habits. The family was happy since they would get their favorite foods prepared for them again and life could go back to where they felt comfortable. But it didn't take long to happen, where I did not feel comfortable. One day I realized how tired I was looking and how puffy I felt and how stiff I was. My joints were aching and that was not okay with me.

All in all, I was not feeling too harmonious and something had to change. But change was upsetting to the home life so I had to be creative on how I would approach making some drastic changes for an indefinite period of time. I knew that it had to be so extreme that I could immerse myself fully. For better or worse this is what I need to do to have any part of the change take a hold and last a lifetime. So someone threw down a challenge and there was my opportunity to seize a hold of a competition so I could sneak back into harmony without upsetting those around me.

The first month or so was quite intense but now that I have relaxed a bit to adopt a more practical approach, I am finding more balance and harmony for myself and for my family. That is what it truly is about anyways. Finding harmony for your everyday. While I find I learn great lessons when I put myself in extreme situations, I can't exist in this mode for very long. Eventually something will give. So rather than beat myself up over it, I get back up and dust myself on and get better at finding the proper balance for me.

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Sunday, November 15, 2015

"Be the change you wish to see in the world"

I was talking with a friend on line late last night. She had said her heart was heavy and when I asked why, she had said it was due to a recent tragedy that had happened almost 6 thousand miles away from her home. She had felt a sense of hopelessness in humanity and the loss of so many souls due to the violence of a few. She has always been a person of great empathy and her feelings are deeply  and genuinely  moved by the plight of others. It is one of the reasons that she is one of those people you just want to be around, all the time. She is the life of the party and funny as all get out. Ready with a smile and a a quick witted comment and if you were in parody then the banter could go for days back and forth. When we worked together, needless to say, we got in loads of trouble but I never minded. She is one of those people you wanted to be like. Fun, delightful, shining.

So when she said her heart was heavy, well you didn't have to tell me twice to pay attention. Soon her sorrow turned to anger then there it was, buried deeper still a note of a deeper sorrow as if to beg the question, "will we ever learn?"

That, my friends, is the question of the ages. Will we? I do not know and I did not know how to tell her that I did not hold out much hope for that. Violence has been woven in and out of the history of the world since time began and I don't know that it will ever go away. But this morning I woke thinking of Gahndi. One of the most incredible souls of human history. And I smiled to myself as I asked myself the question "What would Gahndi do?"

Of course "Be the change you wish to see in the world"

Just let that sit with you for a moment. If we want to see the change than first be the change. Not try too change others, not rage against the violent offenders, just be the change. And don't ask if we will ever learn as a society or the greater global humanity. It is enough for you to effect the change in yourself.  That has the power to ripple to those around you and then out to others and so on.

Will violence ever end? Don't know. But the actions to end violence of any kind is a very worth while endeavor and one we should all take part in doing. I do believe in our power to be the change we wish to see and with more people practicing there is hope that we can indeed tip the scales.

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Thursday, November 5, 2015

Tres Spa November 2015 Special

Here is where you go to be a Tres Spa Subscriber

"This little light of mine....."

I was raised Southern Baptist for part of my life and if you were too, then you know the song and you also know the moral of the story. So if you already know it, then you only need to read on if you like a good parable. Me, I always love a good story. :)

I was chatting with a customer of mine the other night. He is a huge fan of the Organic Soaps and the Organic shampoo and he wanted to purchase a Shampoo for his mother. He had stopped by my booth twice in the past. Once with his mother and this time on his own. But that's not the point of the story.I only tell you this to illustrate the brevity of our history (but not the depth). 

When I last spoke with him, we had a great conversation about life and change and doing at least one small positive thing for your health. Since I had just adopted the Raw Vegan lifestyle, I was very excited and had lots to say on the matter.  He listened intently and had wonderful genuine questions.  He was getting ready to return to semesters at school and I was getting ready to travel for a bit. We talked briefly about the changes coming and I made some comment about my Gypsy travels with the band of artisans doing art & craft shows. All in all a lovely chit chat with another one of the many amazing Très Spa customers.

Now, to the casual observer or the passer-by, there really was nothing extraordinary going on. No life changing or heavy impacting exchange taking place. Just a man buying his Organic Shampoo and a pleasant light conversation with a rather chatty proprietor. But was that all?

Fast forward a month or so.... Same young man comes by to see me again. Ok the cover story is he wants to get a shampoo for his mother, and he really does,. But that's not the "whole story". He had been looking for me every week to see if I would be there at the market in my spot. Now I love Tres Spa products and I am thrilled that so many have discovered and value them as well but the truth is, you can find them on line and you can even get them on Amazon. So there had to be more to the story.  You don't come looking for someone week after week after week just to get shampoo (even Tres Spa Organic Shampoo). And the real story  is what was playing in my very soul this morning and the song came along with it and as I type this story for you, the real story is coming to light.

You see, when this marvelous young man and I first talked weeks and weeks ago, seems I had said something that had a profound impact on him. Now, I don't know the details of his life and really that would be his story to tell. But what I can tell you is that he is facing some challenges. I don't know the magnitude, but does that really matter? No. Challenges are not the most fun things and we all experience them. The thing is, we need to go threw them and not avoid them or we have to repeat them over and over again (but all of that is for another post).

What he said to me next still reverberates and I paraphrase for you....."I've been thinking about what you said to me the last time we talked.....about the word Gypsy...." What he sees, feels, and "knows" of this word is my definition and my definition is wondrous and wonderful with passion and love. Why? Because that is what I feel when I hear or think of that word and I have been like that since I was a child. My definition shined through every fiber of my being while I was just being me. So when I was telling him my little tails of my Gypsy adventures, he was hearing all that it means to me. The same thing happens when I try to explain my synergy blend Mystic. 

So this word Gypsy, like many words, has an impact that transcends 5 letters organized in a particular way.  This word became a beacon of light for him over the last few weeks. What he had heard gave him hope in the darkness. He knew there was light in the dark and he would make it threw  He understood the importance of the transition and the strength he would have on the other side of this challenge. He knew this not because of the words that came out of my mouth, but because of what he heard me say. He listened with his whole being.

Did he do this consciously? Probably not. Did I intend the message? Probably not.   I was just being me, my goofy self, letting my light shine and trying to be a force for positive.

I was honored that he came back and checked in with me to tell me a tail of his adventures. Here is the real kicker, he had a similar impact on me. What I heard him say was thanks for being you and that my friends is deeply profound for this shy and oft times insecure person. So go out there and let your little light shine because even in the smallest most unassuming  conversations you can be a beacon of hope in someone's darkness.  So many of you have been, and continue to be, my beacon of hope!

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Sunday, October 4, 2015

My Raw Vegan Journey Day 49: What to do about set backs

At some point I'm sure I'll stop counting the days. Not sure when that will be, but here we are at day 49.

I started this adventure as a challenge and all contest challenges have a start and an end date. However, I was not long into the journey when I realized this journey was probably not going to end at the scheduled time. I felt that many of the lifestyle changes were actually  going to be for a lifetime So what was a short term contest, changed into something more profound. I was on an adventure and like any adventure  this one has had its fair share of ups and downs (mostly up) and twists and turns. With many revelations along the way.

The last couple of weeks have had some of those typical curve balls that happen in everyone's life. Parties, celebrations, and visiting family. The usual stuff. But so much of family time and celebrations centers around food.

So what if you are the only Raw Vegan? That depends on the Raw Vegan, their motivation to BE a Raw Vegan, and the company they keep. For me, I am the ONLY Raw Vegan I know and most definitely the only one in my family. My motivation was to create more harmony and balance in me. So in order to make things easier on everyone, I compromised a bit, but only a tiny bit and only for a tiny amount of time. But still, it was a series of compromises and each one had a direct impact on me. Some not so pleasant and others insightful.

In some respect, I am glad it happened so early on my journey. Eating has not become automatic and I still need to plan and think about every meal of my day. It's almost as if I am hyper-vigilant about what I eat. On the flip side of that, I have become acutely aware of food and its impact on me, both physically and psychologically. You try fasting and see what happens with your awareness. You're in for a real discovery!  

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

My Raw Vegan Journey Day 18, Juicing without a Juicer!

It's Day 18 (at least it was when I videotaped this segment). I'm feeling fantastic and bright since I switched my diet to Raw Vegan. When I first set out on this journey I was skeptical and very apprehensive about what was ahead, but I am in a challenge so there is no turning back.

Sometimes you need a little push from an external place to get you going. I'm glad I put my hat in the ring to do Markus' Weight Loss Contest ( ). Now it's not that he knows me at all or that I have any direct interaction with him. In fact, I'm on my own in this and I'm the only Raw Vegan in the house hold so..... You need to find the motivational support from outside of yourself because changing 50 years of a life style is no small feat. But it is possible.

I must say though, once I started to feel more alive and more positive and way more energy, it really isn't hard to find the motivation!

When I first began, I had no idea how to make a juice. Seriously! I thought they were full or fruit and maybe some veggies. The only juices I had seen were orange, pink, red, purple, anything but green. Boy was I wrong! I also thought juices went WITH a meal not REPLACE a meal. Where's the satisfaction? Wouldn't you go hungry? The whole thing seemed very unappealing to me and definitely not something I wanted to do. Juice, Me? Never!

Well, never say never. I now Juice almost everyday and I LOVE it! May favorite juices are green green green! The best one, IMHO, is Celery with Cucumber any deep green leaf (love love love Dandelion and Carrot tops) with a hint of Ginger. My favorite breakfast! Plus I put gobs of water in so I get a double bonus

Now, with my new trick to juicing, it takes me under 2 minutes to make a juice and go. Talk about Fast Food!! I hope you find this tip helpful for you! Tell me what is your favorite juice blend?

Friday, August 28, 2015

My Raw Vegan Journey Day 15

How am I feeling? If I were and better I'd have to be twins!

I know that people are supposed to feel horrible and miserable and sad and even deprived. Heck I've read that your even supposed to look horrible. I must be a late bloomer or something because I have the exact opposite reaction. By Day 4 I felt fantastic and my energy and enthusiasm has only gotten better. I don't feel discouraged, I feel encouraged. I have even had customers mention that my eyes look brighter and lord knows I have gotten way chatty. I was happy and talkative before, but it's gotten worse. I had one of my lovely Très Spa shampoo customers come by for a quick hello and I really chatted her ear off! I was just so happy to learn she was a Vegan that I was like a puppy who found their new best friend.

Maybe I will experience some down side somewhere down the road, but for now I gotta' tell you I feel absolutely fantastic. I have more than enough energy to get me through the day and beyond. I greet every day with a series of Sun Salutations (if you have done Yoga you know what that is), get my 30 minutes in the sun, and swim almost every day (after all I don't need a lunch break anymore).
While I am making a pretty good go of things, I'm not perfect and I continue to struggle with things like water. I was never a water drinker before. In fact, I don't like the taste of water. I still don't. But, I am supposed to be drinking a gallon of water a day. A gallon! Do you have any idea how hard that is? Especially when you cannot stand the taste of it. But it is an important part to good health so  there is no getting around it, you need to figure it out. While a gallon might be too much for you, you need to get at least a half gallon down.  

Personally, I like flavor. So I think I found a happy compromise. I make a weak tea and when I say weak tea, I mean you only get a hint of tea. But, it is enough to give a hint of flavor to the water and it makes it so much easier to drink.  I also find it easier to deal with 2 half gallon jugs for a couple of reasons 1) I like to feel the sense of accomplishment when I finish one and 2) I get two different flavors to drink for the day. While I do have my favorite organic herbal blend, I try to mix it up and get a variety of herbal infusions into my water.
Send me your e-mail and I will send you the Detox Tea with instructions in pdf. Sign up here:

Monday, August 24, 2015

My Raw Vegan Journey Day 11

So far, so good! By day 11 I was getting a grasp of the Juicing and how to build a smoothie phase of the process. Again, the process I am trying to follow is in Heal Yourself 101, by Markus Rothkranz. I must say, I am particularly fascinated with Juices and Smoothies. Having never done them before, it's nice to have some general rules to follow and Markus' guidance has been extremely valuable.

For me, once you show me how to do a thing the first time, I get it. Explain the basic principles and the major groupings, and I get that too. Then turn me lose to figure out what works for me and I am in my glory!

I realized one day, as I was pulling together the raw ingredients for a juice, how close this resembles Très Spa.  In both situations I begin with raw natural ingredients and formulate for an end product that is nourishing and soothing. By combining plants you end up with a symphony blend where each one ingredients melds with the other to deliver the maximum benefit for your body. See, no difference from making skin care to prepping my juices and smoothies.

So back to my Raw Vegan experience. Taste! This is an important thing to mention. Your taste or perception of what tastes yummy will change. I will tell you, a good deal of the juices and smoothies that I make taste bitter and I still haven't gotten the hang of how much ginger to use. But, stick with it and your taste buds will change. This happens pretty fast and I find I now crave green with a hint of bitter. Now I can taste every layer of a smoothie or juice (as long as I control the amount of Ginger). It's really been very interesting, like formulating essential oil synergy blends.

I should also warn you, your sense of smell will sharpen. I've always had a pretty good nose, but for better or worse, it has gotten even more keen now.

I'm still in my infancy as a Raw Vegan and I like to tell my close friends that I am still a bottle feed toddler in that I am drinking juices and smoothies with a very rare slip of a solid veggie, fruit, and a nut or two. I have even been spotted nibbling on lettuce leaves. But for the most part, I am happily living on juices and smoothies.

My travel season is right around the corner so it will be interesting to see how I resolve those challenges. Stay tuned! 

Friday, August 21, 2015

My Raw Vegan Journey Day 6

I made it through to Day 6 (and beyond) and like a shot, I suddenly got tremendously busy so I am writing this in retrospect.

I am one of those "in the moment" people. What I mean by that is that I tend to live very close to the present and not dwell on things to far into the future or too long ago. Good thing I did make the recording on my 6th day so I can recall what I was going threw at the time.

By Day 6 I was well into the swing of things. I was wobbly legged in the beginning trying to imagine what life would be like for the rest of my life if I could not have the "comfort" foods of my past. But any part of learning has a natural evolution so I reminded myself not to panic. I'm just in the bottle phase of my infancy as I learn how to nourish my body and take care of it. Not how to eat. It really isn't about How to Eat or What to eat. It is how to nourish the body and for me I want to know how to nourish my body and care for it while maintaining a balance in Harmony with nature. 

There are a ton of Diets out there and a plethora of people to tell you their way is the best way and you should be doing this or that. But the truth is, as a responsible adult, only you can answer that for you. The most important thing to do is to tune into your body and check in. Ask yourself if you feel well. Are you rested? Do you really feel hungry or are you craving? Do you feel alert and energized? Are you glad or sad? Is it a struggle or does it fit naturally? Or in short, are you in harmony?
For me, I feel very harmonious. I am also very pleased with not having to cook and clean so many dishes! I also like the fact I don't need to figure out what's for dinner for me or anyone else! You have no idea how much time and energy I got back from just cutting that lose. In fact, I rarely have anything after 4pm. I'm just not feeling hungry or in need of nourishment.

So, back to the program. I went into the Juice phase with great joy. Water fasting is difficult for more than 24 hours. The part I love the best about the juice phase is the variety and selection process. I start with all of the raw ingredients and pick the combo I am in the mood for at the moment and that is what I pull together. I just need to keep a couple of basics in mind when I formulate my juice, but other than that I can do what I want. Perfect!

Basic rules
  1. Always mix greens with fruit. Don't do just fruit
  2. Treat Roots and Fruits the same
  3. Mixed Greens mean mixed green.  Avoid using the same green over and over again, feel free to branch out. Oh and those carrot tops and beet leaves are green, count them in.
  4. Spice is nice! Add a powerhouse herb or spice to zap the flavor and the power up. Garlic and Ginger are house staples now, but how about adding a bit of cinnamon, cayenne pepper, sage leaves from the garden, basil, thyme, the list goes on. Just don't make it too complicated.
  5. Enjoy! If you aren't enjoying it, then what's the point of doing it? Nourishment should bring you joy! It should make your body come to life.

 I follow Markus Rothkranz's preferences in juices in his book Heal Yourself 101. You can find it here and for my Amazon fans you can get it here: Thank goodness he has an eBook version!!

So here is the video from Day 6 and I am finally getting this posted on day 12! LOL Look for Day 11 to be posted on day......... Such is life!

Thursday, August 13, 2015

My Raw Vegan Journey: Day 4

It's always helpful to have a plan to follow and I've been trying to follow Markus' plan. It begins with a water fast for at least two days. TWO days notin' but water! Well almost true, you do get bits of lemon juice, Apple Cider Vinegar, and Green tea. Being the competitive person I am, I decided to challenge myself to do the three days instead. After all, what's one more day right?!

Have you ever fasted? I mean really fasted? I've done the light version of going without something or the other. Like giving up chocolate or giving up pasta or bread or soda or any number of things. Other than that, I can't say that I have ever had the experience before so I really had no concept of what to expect. In a way this is good since it caused me to be almost hyper vigilant and I paid close attention to all of the experience mind and body.I think this is a key point to pay attention to here. I was paying attention to my body and trying to make sure I was distinguishing between what I desired and what I needed. What I truly needed. 

The first 24 hours was not that bad, mostly filled with arguments with myself about the fact I really was not hungry so stop drifting into the kitchen. My home office is the dining room so setting up right next to the kitchen when you are first learning to eat again posses a bit of a challenge. One funny thing to note was a conversation I was having on the phone with a very dear friend. She had no idea about my fast and the Raw Vegan journey since we hadn't had the chance to get to that point of our conversation. It was her turn to fill me in on her life  Somehow or other I managed to steer the conversation to me describing this cake my Mother used to make. It's a Texas Sheet cake and if you have never had one, let me tell you it is the gooiest chocolate cake you can ever have. With massive chunks of nuts and all topped with a mountain of creamy chocolate icing. After describing it, there was silence on the phone. My friend finally broke the silence "Janice, are you okay? You sound like you are drooling!".

Day two was a bit rougher. This is when the headaches came on in full force. I broke down and took a couple of aspirin. The headaches were so strong that they came in waves and I ended up retaking aspirin in the evening. Interesting to think about the violent reaction the body has when you deprive it of something as simple as caffeine and carbs. I suppose this should really make us pay attention since the only things I know of that can cause withdrawal are drugs.....what does that tell you? Needless to say, day two was truly brutal. I was glad I did not have to go anywhere or talk with anyone that day. A little isolation is a good thing now and then.

By Day three, my plan for doing a water diet for three days was set aside for a bell pepper a tiny bit of left over hummus and a quarter of an apple. Sorry, I gave in to the desire to chew. In retrospect, I really could have waited but the child in me won and I gave in. I think fasting, and water fasts in particular, are a good exercise to do on a regular basis and for a 24 hour period. I would recommend doing them when you can have time to reflect and be a bit introspective, so probably best for your days off of work. It's incredible how many times you say you are hungry when you really aren't.
On the plus side of water fasting, no need to worry about what you are going to cook and all the ancillary concerns that go with it. Like; Do I have enough ingredients in the pantry? Do I need to run to the market? Clean up? Oh, what's that??..... NO dishes to clean!!! NO counters to scrub down!!! NO trash to take out!!! NO waist by products!!! Hmm. Maybe we should start a campaign to save the planet and have everyone fast for 24 hours. Can you just imagine the effect of zero global waist for one whole day?!

I digress, So now I am into the juicing phase where we get a bit more nourishment from juicing greens and a wee bit of tart fruit. Check back with me in a few days to see how things went with Juicing. 

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

My Raw Vegan Journey: So it begins

I decided to make a personal journey public. Why? Because it may help others and it adds accountability for me. If I tell you I will do something, then you know I will and, on the flip side, once I tell you something I feel a sense of duty to follow through since I would not want to disappoint you. Yes, that makes me a people pleaser. OK I will own that. But I know me and if I were just dabbling and dipping my toe, I would be missing out on the full experience.

For those of you who know me, you know that I have had a long abiding admiration and fascination with the Raw Foodies out there. In fact, all of the products I make for Très Spa are Vegan friendly. However, I have never been a vegan and my forays into he world of the Vegetarian/Vegan lifestyle has been brief. But each time I dabble, I know that I feel better and have more energy.

So why do I flip flop? Good question! Probably ease and comfort. Although saying that is really silly since I felt more comfortable as a Vegan/Vegetarian and I don't think there is anything easier than prepping food for a Raw Vegan. Honestly! When it comes to fast food, there is nothing faster than grazing through the garden. Done! So the answer must be lazy. Learning something new takes a good deal of effort and commitment and in my busy world it is so much easier to not have to think about food. So then I end up down a slippery slope of mindlessly eating whatever pops into mind. And what is on my mind is not different than what is on many others; it's what we were raised with and what media screams at us all the time.
Why now? Well it just so happens that one of the people I follow in the Raw Vegan community threw down a challenge and I took the bait! You can too if you want to, here is the link: I love a good challenge that is posted in good fun. It's probably why I liked marathon running so much. Challenging, demanding, self-competitive, yet very supportive and encouraging from the community.

But why the fascination with Raw Vegan lifestyle? A year ago I spent a month in a fast of sorts to prepare for the annual Buffalo Dance. The goal was to "Walk Softly" for the month before the dance. It just seemed to me that the "softest walkers" were the Raw Vegans. So I dipped my toe in the waters and dabbled a bit but fully Raw all the time was indeed a bit of a challenge. The experience and the feelings were something that stayed with me even years later. With almost melancholy I would reminisce about how healthy I felt and how much lighter and more energy I had.  I has been a goal of mine for some time, to return to that clean healthy feeling. So recently I had been sampling Markus' products for smoothies. Then all the cosmic bodies aligned and Markus sent out the challenge invitation at just the right time. So why not?!

So I started my journey on August 10th and I will be posting Vlogs and Blogs as I venture down the road over the next few months. I am a little excited and a little nervous about what the future will be like.

If you subscribe to the Très Spa Youtube channel, you will get a notice when new postings go up.

Friday, February 20, 2015

Jojoba, say it with me ho Ho ba

Often mispronounced and sometimes misunderstood. This is one of my favorite skin care oils for the winter time. Why is my winter time "go to" oil? We can get to that.
Jojoba fruit
But first, lets learn a bit about the Simmondsia chinenis plant. 
When I was a child, we would go on nature walks. I will never forget the little set of books my Grandmother had at the cottage. In it were these fantastic illustrations and facts about the plant from the Latin name to the plants medicinal properties. This practice has stayed with me even now. I like to understand more than the surface information about the plants I use in products. I believe that the more we understand then the better equipped we are to make the right choices or ourselves. 
So, about that Jojoba plant. A native to the desert areas of Arizona and Southern California, the determined little shrub can grow about 15 feet high but the roots dig deep into the crust to find any source of water. It's woody boughs hold greyish leathery leaves all year long and the life span of one plant can go back hundreds of years, well one to two hundred at least. 

Jojoba flowers
The species is dioecious, meaning that one plant supplies the pollen and the other the flowers for seeds. Or, as Rob Base and DJ EZ Rock would explain, "It takes two to make a thing go right, It takes two to make it out of site."  Since the flowers that bloom are odorless, no insect would polinate so the Jojoba needs to rely on the wind and luck that a male plant is near by and releasing pollen. An interesting side note, in the wild the plants maintain a harmonious balance of 50:50 so for every flowering shrub, there is a polinator. Talk about balanced harmony! Polination happens in March and the harvesting of the seeds happens in October. With Jojoba, you don't pick the beans/seeds, you wait until they drop to the ground then you gather them up. The seeds are then pressed or crushed to extract the oils.Half of the weight of the seed is oil, not a bad yield. So how many does it take to make one gallon of oil? about 1700 seeds in a pound and 17 pounds to one gallon of oil so 28,900 give a seed or two. 

The oil that is pressed from the seed is very interesting indeed. Unlike other plant oils, Jojoba yields a liquid that is really a polyunsaturated liquid wax very similiar to Sperm Whale oil. Because of the unique cheical composition of this liquid it is virtually timeless. It wont go rancid, wont oxidize, and wont break down under extreme temperatures. And here is why it took off like wild fire in the cosmetic and skin care industry, from perfumes to shampoo to cleansers and creams, Jojoba is like liquid gold. 
Jojoba begining to ripen. 

So why is this my favorite winter oil? Because of the thick waxy oil and its ability to lay down a mousturizing barier to the harsh dry air of winter. Think about what this seed went through and the adaptive nature of.... well... nature. It is not surprising that the oil extracted would have such tremendous qualities. The harshness of the desert heat and the scarcity of life giving water has tempered the fruit to bare an oil that has a tremendously long life and that protects against scarcity. 

The People of the First Nation knew all of the amazing gifts the Jojoba had to offer and made great use of the seeds such as salves for wounds, conditioning balms for skin, emolient for softening animal hides, a beverage from boiling the beans, and when needed, they would chew on the nuts to help stave off hunger. 

You can find Organic Jojoba oil in all of our Whipped Body Butters, all of our Bath Fizzy bombs, our Pulse Point Aromatics and even a couple of our Organic soaps You can also find Tres Spa prodyucts on Amazon

Friday, February 13, 2015

Life Lessons from the back of a Camel (part 2)

We actually stayed in Phoenix and all the signs pointed to a very lovely time ahead. Complete with being greeted by a half dozen of these lovely little bunnies hopping among the foliage. 
Tres Spa Desert Hare
Desert Rabbit Phoenix Arizona, photo by Janice Summers
We never plan too much ahead of time. We have a general idea of what we would like to do but no hard and fast plans. We spend too much of our life running on the treadmill of all the things we must get done the rest of the year. This is the one time of year we get to put the breaks on and simply go with what fancies us in the moment. In this particular situation, on this particular trip, one of us (not me) was determined to hike the Camel Back. Seems she had done it once before and thought it would be great fun for us to do. I was willing to go along but not thrilled at the prospect. I have a huge fear of heights and I was aware of some harrowing bits on the climb to the top. Needless to say, I was only to happy to enjoy the view of the Camel back from the balcony at the spa.

Tres Spa visit to the Joya Spa in Phoenix
Camel Back Mountain in the backdrop of the Joya Spa in Phoenix AZ, photo by Janice Summers
We planned our excursion to climb the Camels Back another day as we nibbled on healthy spa food and sipped our cocktails. Okay the drinks weren't exactly cricket spa fare but a girls gotta live a little bit. We promised to hike the mountain after the spa and after our trip to Sedona. Notice how we kept putting it out further an further? But as I sipped my Mojito, I was weary of just which peak I had to summit on said range in front of me. How on earth did she expect me to climb that?! No need to worry now, we have managed to put it of for a later date.

Well, eventually time caught up with me and the final day of the trip came. I could no longer forestall the inevitable. My friend was determined to hike the Camel Back and since I was the last one still around, guess who had to go hike it with her.

They say hindsight is 20x20 and you know I believe them. Had I known what was in store for me and the insights to life I would get along the journey well I don't think I would have waited so long.

Friday, February 6, 2015

Avocado, the mighty little fruit

Ladies and Gentlemen, I give you the Avocado!
Tres Spa, Avocado halved
Avocado Fruit
There are an abundant number of great reasons you should be adding this to your regular diet stemming from the 20 different vitamins, minerals, healthy fats, and high fiber. Some of my favorites are Vitamin K - most notably for blood clotting and bone health, Health defender Vitamin C - known for cardiovascular support, tissue builder, super antioxidant. Vitamin B5 which helps our bodies properly use carbs and proteins and it also helps support healthy skin. Vitamin B6 critical for key metabolic process's and proper brain functioning. Vitamin E natures best defender fighting free radicals protecting your cells from attacks. Did I mention Potassium? Be still my heart! Did you know that with every beat of your heart, almost 100,000 times a day we should be grateful for potassium as it "pulls the trigger" for your heart pump the blood through. It also supports the rest of your muscles, your nerves, and lends a hand with proper kidney functioning. 

I grew up in the Midwest and when I was younger I would go shopping with my mother every week. It was one o those chores you did. We always visited the produce isle, As I recall we did this every week we went to the store. My Grandparents gardened and grew a good deal of their fresh produce during the warm summer months and they put food by for the winter so I knew what fruits and vegetables looked like but the grocer had things we did not grow. Imagine our amazement when we first saw these little lovelies. They were next to the Kiwi (another fruit I had no idea about).  Of course we had no idea what this crazy little green nut shaped fruit was so we simply moved along. Besides, the price was too dear for us to "experiment" with it.

It wasn't until I turned 20 and moved to California that this little gem would cross my path again. I was lucky to live with my eldest sister for a time so she could orient me to my new surroundings. I will never forget the first time we went to the market together! WOW What an eye opener, the fresh produce section was gigantic and full of weird and wonderful things that I would slowly immerse myself into learning.  My sister made a bee-line for the large green fruit mound of Avocados. Can you imagine?! A giant pile of them and more than one type! As my sister loaded up her cart with giant Avocado's I noticed from the corner of my eye, nestled sweetly on the shelf, the Kiwi fruit my Mom had such a giggle out of years ago. 

So my sister was the first person to teach me how to eat an Avocado. I will admit it though, I have never been a huge an of eating them by the spoonful right out of the shell. But Guacamole...... now there is heaven on a plate!
So why am I talking about the luscious Avocado in a skin care blog? 

Remember all of those rich nutrients we talked about earlier? Those same constituents are what makes Avocado such a fantastic addition to your skin care as well. Fighting free radicals that can make our skin look dull and dingy. The oil is readily absorbed and has a reputation for helping the skin retain moisture, keeping your skin plump and full. 

So how would you add Avocado to your skin care regime? Ever have avocado's that have gotten a bit tired. You don't really want to eat them but they aren't exactly bad. How about mashing them up and using them as the wetting agent for your Tres Spa face mask? If that seems like to much work, well just place the avocado directly on your face. You wont get the added mineral and botanicals from the mask, but at least you get the vitamins. 

But wait, there's more! What about the oil? The oil is made from cold pressing the fruit pulp to extract the fatty oil. It is then refined and sold as a liquid oil. You can certainly cook with it and drizzle it cold on your veggies. We, here at Tres Spa, use Avocado oil in two products that you can enjoy. Sahara face oil, by Tres Spa, is formulated with dry skin in mind thanks to the Avocados reputation for helping the skin moisturize. For an all over body treat, try the Tres Spa apres Soliel body oil. Naturally nourishing thanks to the superb blend of natural plant oils. 

If you would like to learn more about Tres Spa and our products, visit us on-line at

Friday, January 30, 2015

Life lessons from The Back of a Camel (part 1)

Sedona Skyline, photo by Janice Summers
Every year, at the end of the year, sandwiched between New Years, Christmas, Kwanza, and Hanukkah is the annual "Girls Trip". It's a time of year to detach, relax, breath, dream, and plan for the future all rolled into a 4 night 5 day trip. I know it may sound like a fairly aggressive plan, but when you get a bunch (or one or more) of Type A Alpha women together, it is amazing what you can accomplish in a very short period of time!

Each year we plan a different location in the US to visit. The only priority criteria is that it have a Spa. Of course! Even if you don't know me, you can tell by the name of my company that I place a high value on the importance of a good spa visit. Why even a mediocre spa visit is time well spent, but I digress. Each year we also invite other women to join with us, always hoping but understanding if they cannot come. Because deep down we know that who needs to be there will be there.

This year we planned a trip to Sedona with high aspirations of spiritual healing and rejuvenation, it's Sedona after all! As usual, we invited others and this time a third came along. How lucky is that Three Alpha's in Sedona?! Oh, and it is winter solstice time. OK can this get any better? I think not. Three little hares at the spa..... do I need to show you the logo?

So here I was, all set for the spiritual enlightenment that many say Sedona will give you. The year behind me had been a rough one full of doubts and uncertainty so an ounce of clarity and knowing was going to be very welcome for me. 

But little did I know that the messages I needed to receive would not come from an awe inspiring experience in Sedona, the life lesson that I needed would come from the back of a Camel miles away from Sedona.  

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Winter skin care

Winter is now upon us! The air is crisp and cool outside and as we hustle and bustle taking care of our business, we bundle up against the freezing cold. So we seek refuge in the comforts of our homes, our office, our cars - all equipped with heat to keep us warm. 
Tres Spa, frost on the pines
Frost on the pines, photo by Janice Summers
But no matter how hard we try, our skin pays a hefty toll between the cold dry air and the warm dry heat. You may find yourself feeling itchy or irritated. For some this can be the most painful time of year with dry cracking flaking skin and bouts of exzema breaking out. and the older we get, the more we feel the toll of the super dry air around us. Why, because it gets harder for us to retain the lushly plump skin from our youth as we age. But no matter the age, we are all susceptible to the pains of dryness and in winter it can go beyond the slight tightness.

If you find yourself chapped and chaffing here are some things we recommend trying:

  • Get some moisture into the air with a humidifier. Humidifiers come in many shapes and sizes if you want to purchase one. If you have no budget, a simple tea kettle or even a pot of water on the stove will work just fine.  Kick it up a notch with a drop or two of your favorite Tres Spa Synergy blend to add some aroma therapy while you are at it.
  • If you have been sloshing about in the cold and you've gotten wet. Dry off! Wet socks and gloves can cause your skin to feel very irritated. It may sound odd, but water can really be drying.
  • Moisturize your skin!!! Do it often, as often as you need to. But choose what you moisturize with wisely. Winter is the time to favor the butters and the body oils over the lotions and creams. Why? Because they tend to lay down a thicker layer and take their time to absorb into the skin. We recommend our Whipped Body Butters and our Body Oils.
  • But what about your face? The face gets the full brunt of it no matter what time of year it is and you want to take extra care here. But most butters and body oils are not formulated for the face. You want to make sure you are using readily absorbed oils that will not clog he pores of the face and cause other problems. If you are using Tres Spa products, you are in luck! We have amazing face oils and a thick rich cream called Defiance!. For super dry face's I always recommend Sahara as it contains avocado oil but you can also use our body oils since we formulate using what are called "dry" oils.
  • What is you have those deep cracks in your feet or hands? Butter 'em up with a good whipped butter and then place them in a plastic glove or booty and give the oils plenty of time to absorb in. The trapped moisture in the plastic helps to soften calloused super tough skin and the protective cover makes sure the butter stays on your feet and hands and not on your sheets or rugs or whatever else you may touch.

Friday, January 2, 2015

Are you Resolved?

New Year is one of my favorite holiday's of the year. I love it more than any other festival time. I'm not into the parties and the drinking and dancing, that has never been who I am and what I am about. Being a shy person, the last place you will find me is at a wild New Year's party. So why do I love this time of year so much? It's a festival that transcends all religious and cultural beliefs. It is equal to us all young old and is the same no matter how much currency you posses. Healthy or ill skinny or plump, it is the same for everyone. It is the festival of equals.

We are all at the same precipice at the same time. On the horizon of new and at the last embers of the old. It is no wonder why so many take at least a moment to reflect on the past year and look forward to the year ahead. Resolving to make improvements and to push ourselves forward to our true potential is only natural.

I have meet several people who refuse to make New Years resolutions since they never live up to them. Well..... make a different set of resolutions then! It makes no sense to resolve yourself to failure. Personally,  I never worry about whether or not I will "live up" to the resolution in the fullest. In fact, I have had resolutions that I have made more than one year. It may have taken me a few years to achieve it, but eventually I made the goal a reality.

When given a choice, I would much rather resolve to be successful in attempting and achieving my goals then to get by without direction. So resolve away and don't be afraid of missing the mark, take pride in the fact you had the courage to resolve yourself to make improvements. What changes would you like to make in the year ahead?