Thursday, January 26, 2012

A Day at the Spa

I love beginnings. I always have. To me it is very important how you start anything, be it a day, a trip, a work of art, laundry, anything. I believe there is great significance in the first moments. It’s like when you meet a person for the first time. It is instant and primal for all of us. We make an assessment that tells us how we feel about that person and those feelings set the tone for that relationship going forward.
For me, starting this new year, I wanted to bring more balance into my life. Running a business and growing it requires a great deal of time and it gets very easy to put yourself last on the list. But, the most important thing to do is to take good care of yourself especially when there are greater demands on you. So to cement this plan I decided to take a day and visit the spa.
Of course, those who know me, know how much I truly value a day at the spa. It is like no other place. You can go in feeling one way and come out completely transformed. This is the philosophy behind all of the products that I create; transformation. It is a simple thing really, yet so often overlooked. How you nurture your skin or sent your environment can have profound impacts on your sense of well being.
So with my gift certificate burining a hole in my pocket, where did I go for this wonderful day at the spa? Sen Spa in San Francisco. It is located on the Presidio and is in one of the depot buildings. Don’t let the plain outside fool you, the inside is a sight to behold. They have done an amazing job of maintaining the historical features while still transporting you to another world. The floors are original and the open beamed ceiling brings in a lovely filtered light. I got there a bit early so that I could relax in their meditation room before my treatment. The ultimate in relaxation, a soft flowing wall water fall caressed the ears and the sights were filled with shapes that counter balanced the hard sharp lines. The visual tones of browns, greens, and rust orange made an excellent backdrop to the carved wood pieces hung about the walls. It was nice to sit and think about….nothing for a while.
Then it was my turn for my treatments! I had their Heaven on Earth treatment and added the Senzen scalp treatment for good measure. There are lots of other treatments to choose from but I choose this one because of the essential oils used. In winter, I love spice scents and this treatment was full of them. The treatment specialist was amazing and I am certain I dozed off a time or two in pure bliss. I wish I could tell you more about the treatment itself, but the expert practitioner had done such an excellent job of moving through the phases, that I just followed along and let go of any thought or care. I can tell you that I emerged feeling completely revived. Peaceful yet energized at the same time.

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