Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Thinking of cutting your hair? How about donating those lovely locks??

Ever since I was a little girl, my hair had been wild. Thick and determined to go this way and that way and tangle itself up. So in order to keep it easier to manage, I had pixie cuts on a regular basis.

I was always so envious of my sisters and all the other little girls who had long lush locks of hair. I longed to be like everyone else. In so many ways, I never felt like I fit in and I was always outside looking in. I even tried to grow my hair on a number of occasions, but it wouldn't last long and I'd have to have it cut short again.
This time I held out longer than ever before and I grew my hair out for the past 5 years. Perhaps it was a bit of defiance since I was no longer chained to corporate image. I could blaze my own trail and grow my hair out, leave the house without makeup, and wear sandals and shorts to work every day if I wanted to. Perhaps it was in homage to my Mother, who had passed away from Cancer just as I was launching the company. For whatever reason, I stopped getting my hair cut.
Eventually it became an experiment as I developed the Très Spa Botanical Organic hair care line. Believe it or not, it is harder to grow your hair long the older you get. One reason is breakage and damaging split ends are more common since It's harder to get nutrients down to the ends. Since I used nothing but Très Spa hair care products, my hair had a rich luster, resilient shine, and body it had never had before. The best part,  zero split ends. Not one! The only reason to ever trim my hair was to even out the ends.
I had finally reached a goal that I had since I was a little girl, to have long lush hair. Then I thought of other little girls out there who may have the same dream I had, but for different reasons.
Through illness or treatments for disease, hair loss can occur. For a child this can be a devastating blow to their self confidence. It's hard enough to battle sickness, but compounding this with the feeling of being an outcast because you look different is a pain that cannot be measured. How others around us perceive us has a profound impact that never really leaves us. 
I did a little research and picked two organizations that I felt would be a good place to donate to.
There are rules and guidelines for donation and they vary depending on where you are donating to. If you want to donate to children, the longer the pony tail the batter! Since most kids want hair that is long and lush, you should have a ponytail that is at least 12 inches long. 
Hair that has been chemically treated like permed hair, color treated hair, and highlighted hair cannot be donated. They just can't work with the damaged hair as it will not stand up to the processing for wigs. Grey hair is acceptable for Wigs for kids since they can dye the gray hair to blonde, strawberry or other lighter shades.
In the end, I chose Wigs forKids. My pony tail is 17 inches so it can go towards making a hair piece that is long. Most importantly, I liked their story and the company.

So now my hair is joining others to make a child's dream come true; to help them feel a little bit better about themselves, to help them feel like they fit and and don't stand out. Alas, it takes more than just hair to do what they do. It takes money to actually make the wig. So I have decided to donate 25% of the profits from any Très Spa Botanical Hair Care product from now until December 31st. So you can help this worthy cause every time you groom your hair with Très Spa

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