Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Powerhouse Pesto

First, lets get to the point! Here is the recipe
Toss them all into a blender and pulse to your desired consistency. 
  1. 2 cp Basil and 2cp Kale
  2. 4Tbl Avocado Oil
  3. 2Tbl Garlic
  4. Dash Amino Acid, Splash of Apple cider vinegar, Pinch of Cayenne pepper

*Measurements are an approximation, use your own judgment and adjust to taste. If I want a wetter pesto - I may increase the splashes of vinegar or the amount of oil.

So what do you do with it once you made it? Most people toss it in warm pasta but I say, why limit this luscious treat?! Use it as a spread, dollop on your salad, use it as a dip, feeling hungry - eat it by the spoonful!
So now for the story.........

What the heck! Food on a Skin Care blog?! Are you serious?! What does that have to do with skin care? Food is Skincare from the inside out! It's true, I came to skin care from the opposite approach, spending great amounts of time carefully researching oils and blends and what is best to solve what when topically applied. In formulating for personal care, I am extremely selective and particular. Yet, what you eat is just as important (if not more important) than what you put on your skin. What we eat is Skin care from the inside out. But when it comes to food to eat, I more often than not make the wrong food choices.Why? Well the answer to that is complex and besides, does it really matter here? No.In life, there is nothing as important as your next decision.  

Recently.something hit me. Maybe it's more like a series of events hit me all making a perfect convergence to get me to the "Oh, I get it!" point. Whatever it is, I very recently started changing my relationship with foods. Finally! So as I get these little "Aha" moments and try new food blends I'll happily share with you my new favorite food blends.

Here is how (and why) to build your own Power House Pesto to taste!
Pesto is not meant to be heated. It is a raw food served cold and it is best to make what you will eat in the next few days. Trust me it is very easy to make so whipping up a batch on demand is very easy to do.
  1. Greens! For the foundation you need greens- Basil is a mainstay of any pesto but how about adding another green or two? Arugula, Kale, Spinach, Chard....... Why these dark green leafy veggies? Vitamin A, C, K and Iron. I use a 1 to 1 ratio of Basil with any one of these. Pick what's fresh and what is interesting to you at the time. Gather enough green to make what you will be eating over the next 3-4 days.
  2. Fats you need! Yes, you should all know this already. Fatty acids are our friend. A cold dish is the perfect time we can take advantage of those wonderful fats that should never see heat. Some are easier to get at your local store so here are some of my favs - Avocado, Hemp seed and Flax seed. Of course you can pick other monounsaturated fats, but these three are delicate and wither in any kind of heat so I like to find ways to get them into my diet and pesto is the perfect medium!  ** A little side note here. Only buy what you will eat in fairly short time. These oils are cold pressed and like any living thing, they will deteriorate over time. Some oils, like these three, age faster than others. I use all three of these in formulating Tres Spa Personal care and the same rule applies there. This is why we make small batches.
  3. Cleanser. OK there are two cleansers/detoxifiers I love and any excuse to use them, I am totally on board. Onions and Garlic.  Raw or roasted use either or both.
  4. Spice is nice - and can also boost the power of all of the rest of the nutrients. Think of them like your little "essential blend" that can completely change the dish you serve. When I formulate for Tres Spa I use Essential oils to do the same thing - add power to your skin care. Add what you like but I like to keep it simple a dash of cayenne pepper, a splash of  Amino acids and a splash of Apple cider vinegar.**Every kitchen should have these three ingredients and you should use them any chance you get! 
  5. Optional: Folic Acid booster! Zest it up and add some citrus to the party! You could substitute the vinegar for citrus and or it's juice. How about tossing in a few strawberries? Go ahead, it won't hurt. In fact those lovely Vit B boosters are sure to give your cells a burst to help them regenerate and grow healthy and strong. Trust me, you want to finf foods rich in folic acid and add them into your eating regime.
  6. Optional:  Feeling a little nutty? Try adding a few of these as an option: almonds, peanuts, macadamia nuts, hazelnuts, pecans, cashews. They can add protein and other nutrients not to mention some mighty fine oils
Diets are nothing new to me, having spent a lifetime on and off of restrictive diets. There are so many diets out there to choose from it's enough to make your head spin. Having spent my life on the plus side of the scale, there are all of those guilt associations with food as well. But, no matter how many times I have tried and failed in my lifetime, I have never given up on me and I am always willing to listen to new ideas and concepts. However, I am always leery of "experts".

So here I was one day, playing Hulu on my headset, getting work done, and listening to Jimmy Fallon on the Tonight Show. His star guest for the evening was Cameron Diaz. Jimmy mentioned Cameron's new book - The BodyBook: The Law of Hunger, the Science of Strength, and Other Ways to Love YourAmazing Body. I figured why not? I like Cameron and respect her as an artist and from the glimpses I have seen of her in interviews, she seems like a person you would want in your corner. She is no expert nor is she claiming to be. A fact I find incredibly refreshing! So...... I hooped over to Amazon and purchased. I'm still chewing through it, but it did not take long for it to hit me - We eat food for a reason. If the food you are feeding yourself is not filling that reason then you will live in deprivation. Profs to Cameron for writing a non diet diet book that is easy to read and makes perfect sense! She is calling attention to why you would eat one item verses another one and asking you to look at the science of food. Not what you should or shouldn't have but what nutrition do you need. In fact, she doesn't give you recipes, she gives you ingrediants. Except one thing - her Shallot Gold which I have not tried yet but is on my list for next week. Thanks Cameron for being an inspiration!

Then like a perfect convergence, it all came together and this is why I feel a skin care blog spot is the perfect place for food- What we eat is skin care from the inside out. In fact, a good deal of ingredients we eat go into Tres Spa skin care formulations as well. 

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