Monday, May 26, 2014

Why would anyone want to be a Vegetarian?

This is the question I was asked when I decided that I was going to be vegetarian for the month of June. I think his question was an  interesting, and very innocent, one.
His first concern was that I would try to convert him to be a vegetarian. I had a big laugh at that and told him there is no recruitment strategy and I wasn't trying to earn a toaster (but I do have my eye on a nice dehydrator). He can still eat meat and I wasn't going to poke at him in any way. In fact, I was only planning on practicing a vegetarian diet for the month of June.  But his concern got me to thinking, why was he feeling like he needed to protect his way of life.
Interesting really, when you think about it. Diet is a hot topic and one that sparks a good deal of debate. Beliefs swing from diets chocked full of red meat to no meat vegans who will not even touch honey. So why so much passion? Diet is often times an extension of our religious belief. For many, feeding the body equals feeding the soul likewise fasting is also a practice of showing honor or respect from sacrifice. Perhaps this is why there are varying classifications for vegetarians varying from those who may eat fish from time to time  or eggs or even chicken to those who will eat dairy and possibly eggs to those who will eat honey and only certain kinds of cheese. Like religions, the variations are plentiful.
My personal motivation for the month of June is sparked by the Buffalo Dance that I will be attending with one of my sisters in Ohio. It is the only dance I have ever attended so I can't speak for other  Nations and what they do. All I know is from what Rainbow Eagle had said from last year's dance. I can't remember his exact words now, but his explanation stuck with me.  The four day dance is to honor Mother Earth. To give thanks and to pray for healing so we walk barefoot in sacred spaces and we fast so that we may walk softly and show our respect. The "walk softly" stuck in my mind and has been whispering in my ear ever since.
Vegetarian is nothing new for me, in fact I was Vegan many years ago. So what was my motivation then? Because it felt like the right thing at the time. Which takes us to the other reason some people choose to be vegetarian, because it feels right to them.  There is a percentage of the population that really has no taste for meat, fish, or foul. Personally, the simple thought of red meat sets my tummy on edge. I am okay with the occasional steak from grass fed beef raised by local ranchers but that is about it. It just doesn't agree with me and I feel better if I have leaner protein. So why do people choose a Vegetarian lifestyle?
Two reasons really, either religious belief and convictions or simply because it feels better on their tummy.  

So if you want to give the planet a rest and walk softly on Mother Earth or if you would like to give your tummy a rest, here is a good resource for you: and here for some really fun dishes 

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