Friday, January 30, 2015

Life lessons from The Back of a Camel (part 1)

Sedona Skyline, photo by Janice Summers
Every year, at the end of the year, sandwiched between New Years, Christmas, Kwanza, and Hanukkah is the annual "Girls Trip". It's a time of year to detach, relax, breath, dream, and plan for the future all rolled into a 4 night 5 day trip. I know it may sound like a fairly aggressive plan, but when you get a bunch (or one or more) of Type A Alpha women together, it is amazing what you can accomplish in a very short period of time!

Each year we plan a different location in the US to visit. The only priority criteria is that it have a Spa. Of course! Even if you don't know me, you can tell by the name of my company that I place a high value on the importance of a good spa visit. Why even a mediocre spa visit is time well spent, but I digress. Each year we also invite other women to join with us, always hoping but understanding if they cannot come. Because deep down we know that who needs to be there will be there.

This year we planned a trip to Sedona with high aspirations of spiritual healing and rejuvenation, it's Sedona after all! As usual, we invited others and this time a third came along. How lucky is that Three Alpha's in Sedona?! Oh, and it is winter solstice time. OK can this get any better? I think not. Three little hares at the spa..... do I need to show you the logo?

So here I was, all set for the spiritual enlightenment that many say Sedona will give you. The year behind me had been a rough one full of doubts and uncertainty so an ounce of clarity and knowing was going to be very welcome for me. 

But little did I know that the messages I needed to receive would not come from an awe inspiring experience in Sedona, the life lesson that I needed would come from the back of a Camel miles away from Sedona.  

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