Sunday, November 15, 2015

"Be the change you wish to see in the world"

I was talking with a friend on line late last night. She had said her heart was heavy and when I asked why, she had said it was due to a recent tragedy that had happened almost 6 thousand miles away from her home. She had felt a sense of hopelessness in humanity and the loss of so many souls due to the violence of a few. She has always been a person of great empathy and her feelings are deeply  and genuinely  moved by the plight of others. It is one of the reasons that she is one of those people you just want to be around, all the time. She is the life of the party and funny as all get out. Ready with a smile and a a quick witted comment and if you were in parody then the banter could go for days back and forth. When we worked together, needless to say, we got in loads of trouble but I never minded. She is one of those people you wanted to be like. Fun, delightful, shining.

So when she said her heart was heavy, well you didn't have to tell me twice to pay attention. Soon her sorrow turned to anger then there it was, buried deeper still a note of a deeper sorrow as if to beg the question, "will we ever learn?"

That, my friends, is the question of the ages. Will we? I do not know and I did not know how to tell her that I did not hold out much hope for that. Violence has been woven in and out of the history of the world since time began and I don't know that it will ever go away. But this morning I woke thinking of Gahndi. One of the most incredible souls of human history. And I smiled to myself as I asked myself the question "What would Gahndi do?"

Of course "Be the change you wish to see in the world"

Just let that sit with you for a moment. If we want to see the change than first be the change. Not try too change others, not rage against the violent offenders, just be the change. And don't ask if we will ever learn as a society or the greater global humanity. It is enough for you to effect the change in yourself.  That has the power to ripple to those around you and then out to others and so on.

Will violence ever end? Don't know. But the actions to end violence of any kind is a very worth while endeavor and one we should all take part in doing. I do believe in our power to be the change we wish to see and with more people practicing there is hope that we can indeed tip the scales.

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