Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Why did I start a Raw Vegan Journey? The truth revealed.

OK I get it, it's pretty extreme if you are a Mid-West corn and cow feed person. If you grew up being taught and conditioned that meat and grains make up the majority of your meal. Actually we didn't have much money when I was growing up so it was mostly grain. Also known as really cheap filler. right or wrong, it was the way I was taught to eat and except for a very brief stint of my Vegetarian experiment, it was how I ate all my life. Until chance lent a hand.

I don't know about you, but I am one of those people who likes to immerse myself in whatever I am involved in. If I read a book, I like to read the whole thing cover to cover and I like to read every word (probably why it takes me forever to finish one). When I watch a movie, I am all in so don't bother trying to talk to me during (something my sister loves to do to me). I am also like that with my human interactions when I am in a conversation with you (regardless of the medium) I prefer to be fully focused on you and our exchange.I am also like that when I develop products for Tres Spa. It becomes my world and every tiny aspect gets my full attention from the raw ingredient to the package and the label design.

So as chance would have it, I was invited to attend a very special ceremony, a Buffalo Dance that was to take place over three full days. To properly prepare and observe proper etiquette, I was sent a list of preparation recommendations, I decided I really wanted to immerse myself so that I could fully experience and participate, after all, this may be the only time I ever go to a Buffalo Dance. One phrase I had heard during the one visit I had had with Rainbow Eagle was "walk softly". Those two words struck me and have stayed with me over the years. The Buffalo Dance was a time to walk softly and I took it to heart so I wanted to fast in preparation. I know that our over dependence on meat is causing an unnecessary burden on the eco system so I figured I would give it up for a month.

I thought Vegetarian would be good, but then I started exploring and learning more about Vegans and the Raw Vegans. When it comes to walking softly on the planet, I think they win the prize. In fact, when it comes to Tres Spa skin care and aromatics, I designed for this crowd which means my company was way ahead of my personal life.

So for the month of June I dabbled and played and experimented between Vegetarian, Vegan, and even a bit of Raw Vegan and I felt absolutely fantastic. The ceremony came and went and I settled back into my old eating habits. The family was happy since they would get their favorite foods prepared for them again and life could go back to where they felt comfortable. But it didn't take long to happen, where I did not feel comfortable. One day I realized how tired I was looking and how puffy I felt and how stiff I was. My joints were aching and that was not okay with me.

All in all, I was not feeling too harmonious and something had to change. But change was upsetting to the home life so I had to be creative on how I would approach making some drastic changes for an indefinite period of time. I knew that it had to be so extreme that I could immerse myself fully. For better or worse this is what I need to do to have any part of the change take a hold and last a lifetime. So someone threw down a challenge and there was my opportunity to seize a hold of a competition so I could sneak back into harmony without upsetting those around me.

The first month or so was quite intense but now that I have relaxed a bit to adopt a more practical approach, I am finding more balance and harmony for myself and for my family. That is what it truly is about anyways. Finding harmony for your everyday. While I find I learn great lessons when I put myself in extreme situations, I can't exist in this mode for very long. Eventually something will give. So rather than beat myself up over it, I get back up and dust myself on and get better at finding the proper balance for me.

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