Friday, August 21, 2015

My Raw Vegan Journey Day 6

I made it through to Day 6 (and beyond) and like a shot, I suddenly got tremendously busy so I am writing this in retrospect.

I am one of those "in the moment" people. What I mean by that is that I tend to live very close to the present and not dwell on things to far into the future or too long ago. Good thing I did make the recording on my 6th day so I can recall what I was going threw at the time.

By Day 6 I was well into the swing of things. I was wobbly legged in the beginning trying to imagine what life would be like for the rest of my life if I could not have the "comfort" foods of my past. But any part of learning has a natural evolution so I reminded myself not to panic. I'm just in the bottle phase of my infancy as I learn how to nourish my body and take care of it. Not how to eat. It really isn't about How to Eat or What to eat. It is how to nourish the body and for me I want to know how to nourish my body and care for it while maintaining a balance in Harmony with nature. 

There are a ton of Diets out there and a plethora of people to tell you their way is the best way and you should be doing this or that. But the truth is, as a responsible adult, only you can answer that for you. The most important thing to do is to tune into your body and check in. Ask yourself if you feel well. Are you rested? Do you really feel hungry or are you craving? Do you feel alert and energized? Are you glad or sad? Is it a struggle or does it fit naturally? Or in short, are you in harmony?
For me, I feel very harmonious. I am also very pleased with not having to cook and clean so many dishes! I also like the fact I don't need to figure out what's for dinner for me or anyone else! You have no idea how much time and energy I got back from just cutting that lose. In fact, I rarely have anything after 4pm. I'm just not feeling hungry or in need of nourishment.

So, back to the program. I went into the Juice phase with great joy. Water fasting is difficult for more than 24 hours. The part I love the best about the juice phase is the variety and selection process. I start with all of the raw ingredients and pick the combo I am in the mood for at the moment and that is what I pull together. I just need to keep a couple of basics in mind when I formulate my juice, but other than that I can do what I want. Perfect!

Basic rules
  1. Always mix greens with fruit. Don't do just fruit
  2. Treat Roots and Fruits the same
  3. Mixed Greens mean mixed green.  Avoid using the same green over and over again, feel free to branch out. Oh and those carrot tops and beet leaves are green, count them in.
  4. Spice is nice! Add a powerhouse herb or spice to zap the flavor and the power up. Garlic and Ginger are house staples now, but how about adding a bit of cinnamon, cayenne pepper, sage leaves from the garden, basil, thyme, the list goes on. Just don't make it too complicated.
  5. Enjoy! If you aren't enjoying it, then what's the point of doing it? Nourishment should bring you joy! It should make your body come to life.

 I follow Markus Rothkranz's preferences in juices in his book Heal Yourself 101. You can find it here and for my Amazon fans you can get it here: Thank goodness he has an eBook version!!

So here is the video from Day 6 and I am finally getting this posted on day 12! LOL Look for Day 11 to be posted on day......... Such is life!

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