Tuesday, August 11, 2015

My Raw Vegan Journey: So it begins

I decided to make a personal journey public. Why? Because it may help others and it adds accountability for me. If I tell you I will do something, then you know I will and, on the flip side, once I tell you something I feel a sense of duty to follow through since I would not want to disappoint you. Yes, that makes me a people pleaser. OK I will own that. But I know me and if I were just dabbling and dipping my toe, I would be missing out on the full experience.

For those of you who know me, you know that I have had a long abiding admiration and fascination with the Raw Foodies out there. In fact, all of the products I make for Très Spa are Vegan friendly. However, I have never been a vegan and my forays into he world of the Vegetarian/Vegan lifestyle has been brief. But each time I dabble, I know that I feel better and have more energy.

So why do I flip flop? Good question! Probably ease and comfort. Although saying that is really silly since I felt more comfortable as a Vegan/Vegetarian and I don't think there is anything easier than prepping food for a Raw Vegan. Honestly! When it comes to fast food, there is nothing faster than grazing through the garden. Done! So the answer must be lazy. Learning something new takes a good deal of effort and commitment and in my busy world it is so much easier to not have to think about food. So then I end up down a slippery slope of mindlessly eating whatever pops into mind. And what is on my mind is not different than what is on many others; it's what we were raised with and what media screams at us all the time.
Why now? Well it just so happens that one of the people I follow in the Raw Vegan community threw down a challenge and I took the bait! You can too if you want to, here is the link: http://www.markusweightlosscontest.com/ I love a good challenge that is posted in good fun. It's probably why I liked marathon running so much. Challenging, demanding, self-competitive, yet very supportive and encouraging from the community.

But why the fascination with Raw Vegan lifestyle? A year ago I spent a month in a fast of sorts to prepare for the annual Buffalo Dance. The goal was to "Walk Softly" for the month before the dance. It just seemed to me that the "softest walkers" were the Raw Vegans. So I dipped my toe in the waters and dabbled a bit but fully Raw all the time was indeed a bit of a challenge. The experience and the feelings were something that stayed with me even years later. With almost melancholy I would reminisce about how healthy I felt and how much lighter and more energy I had.  I has been a goal of mine for some time, to return to that clean healthy feeling. So recently I had been sampling Markus' products for smoothies. Then all the cosmic bodies aligned and Markus sent out the challenge invitation at just the right time. So why not?!

So I started my journey on August 10th and I will be posting Vlogs and Blogs as I venture down the road over the next few months. I am a little excited and a little nervous about what the future will be like.

If you subscribe to the Très Spa Youtube channel, you will get a notice when new postings go up.

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