Saturday, January 23, 2016

The Nose Knows

But not all Noses Know the same thing.

Ever wonder how it all works? I do.
I find it fascinating that while the mechanics of smell works the same for any and all of the mammal population who have the ability to sense smell, the reaction is not the same. It isn't.  And after 8 years of watching and observing human behavior related to scent, I am still in awe and wonder.

We have 5 senses (OK some scientists argue that we have more) sight, sound, touch, taste, and lastly scent. You each have a lifetime, to this point, of personal experience with one or all of these. It can be argued that your very survival depended on your ability to fine tune these seances to create a physical reaction in order to survive. Based on our stage of development, you worked on one or more of the senses to fine tune their acuteness for survival. They say babies are born with a fairly sophisticated acuteness to touch. But, they rapidly develop  a rudimentary knowledge of scent, more of a base survival able to distinguish family members and "good" vs "bad".
 But this awareness of scent takes the back seat as they work on the other senses. It's not gone, it just isn't the one focused on.

Based on watching people's reaction to smells, clearly the ability to distinguish was always there in the background. But why such emotional and physical reactions to a scent? The meaning of stimulus was not hard wired into your brain, you had to write your own program. The program was written over time with the cooperation of your other senses and your maturing ability to interpret based on experience. The experiences are locked away and the association linked to a memory. So when we encounter the stimulus again, it triggers the mind to recall past experience to create a current physical and emotional reaction and it happens faster than lightening.

So you see, the nose knows what all of your senses experienced and your decisions about that experience were forged. This is why no one smells the exact same thing and has the exact same reaction. We are all unique.

Since I personally create all of the synergy blends, I rely on the observation of others to fine tune since I know that I am limited by my own ability to sense.

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