Friday, January 1, 2016

How will you begin?

I believe strongly that how you begin anything in life is extremely important. The impact and effect can be felt many moons later. Think about it and you will see it's true. Our very mannerisms and deepest desires steam from how we came into the world. We are propelled forward from the first steps.

So, how do you plan on starting this year? What intention or theme will you be about this year? No need to get all complicated or extreme, keep it simple.

I managed to finish the past year on a positive and I wanted to start the new year with that same momentum. I wanted to set my intention for the New Year and not waist a moment of it.  So while others slept, I woke early and had a cup of coffee and morning snuggles with Bella and Dakota, our two rescue fur babies. I was amazed that they shared cuddle time since Bella is a new family member and still a bit shy. But they decided the pets were worth being so vulnerable.

I did take care of some business as well by attending a couple of calls and even packing up a New Year order. While it was freezing cold, I decided to don my warmest coat and go for my morning power walk. While I walked I thought about what my intention was for the new year. I have a goal, yes one goal since that is all I really need. But what was going to be the theme of the year.

When faced with such thought provoking and soul searching questions, I usually find it best if I take the question outside into nature. I just walk, think, listen, and look. I was nearing the end of my walk and I looked up at what had first seemed like a massive black bird, but when I got close, I realized there were two. They were huddling close for warmth and one was cleaning the others feathers (I missed getting that shot). But here the two of them were side by side at the highest and most exposed branch they could possibly reach.

The image struck me but the message didn't become clear until later. Thant's how it works sometimes.

Being the CEO and Chief Alchemist aka Solopreneur of a nature based personal care company, it's kind of a given that I create products that nurture. I truly love what I do and what I create and I count my blessings every day. I am always honored and I feel abundant gratitude when others find value in what I have created. But, what I am not so good at is in being vulnerable.
Yikes! Just the mere thought of being exposed and vulnerable shakes me to my core. But this year, I am going to try to be a little more vulnerable by being a little (or a lot) more exposed. For the last 7 years I have dragged my feet and found any number of lovely distractions to avoid that horrible two word phrase "Social Media". Shivers to the bone! I was never popular unless you want to count the times I was the end of some mean joke. Haters surrounded me and I was so outcast, the outcast outcasted me. But I can only do so many in person events where I get to actually see and chat with you one on one, so social media is the only way.  I have dipped my toe in it and I have posted but it's more like I sneak the postings out and hope no one noticed. :) I remember when I saw that one of my videos had 30 or more views. I about panicked.  But I have to get used to it, so here I go out on a limb. Wish me luck!

What is your intention for the year ahead?

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  1. I'm just reading this now, but my intention for this year, is to pay attention to the inner voice, the world around me, mother earth, and to live authentically. I used to live for some many other people, and last year I practiced sitting with my previous conditioning and deconstructing it. Now it's time to move forward and shed shed shed.

    I love you products, and I love your written voice. I can't imagine it being anything but wonderful to have more of it in the world. Social media will be blessed to have your presence. Hehe.

  2. I'm just reading this now, but my intention for this year, is to pay attention to the inner voice, the world around me, mother earth, and to live authentically. I used to live for some many other people, and last year I practiced sitting with my previous conditioning and deconstructing it. Now it's time to move forward and shed shed shed.

    I love you products, and I love your written voice. I can't imagine it being anything but wonderful to have more of it in the world. Social media will be blessed to have your presence. Hehe.

    1. Well thanks Annie, that is very generous of you! I am so thrilled that you are enjoying the Tres Spa products and I am a bit giddy and gleeful that you are enjoying my written voice!
